Introduction to Social Studies

Start Here


  1. Welcome To Social Studies

  2. Announcements

  3. Big Ideas, Essential Questions, and Content Objectives for Today's Class

  4. Vocabulary

  5. Agenda for Today's Class

  6. Journal Writing

  7. Optional Journal Assignment Due For Next Class (February 5 or 9)

  8. Believing and Doubting Game Questions

  9. Write Informally (before class) To Hand In

  10. Write During The Next Class

  11. Required Text Analysis Assignment

  12. Optional, Bonus Assignments Choose one

  13. Optional, Bonus Assignments

  14. During the Break

  15. Definitions and Purposes of Social Studies Think - Pair - Share

  16. National Council for the Social Studies Social Studies Definition

  17. National Council for the Social Studies Social Studies Purpose

  18. Recommended Social Studies Education Practices Think-Pair-Share

  19. Introductory Letter To Class

  20. Introductory Letter To Your Clinical Students' Families

  21. Class Rules and Becoming Good Citizens

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Last updated:
January 15, 2015 (Thursday)