- Welcome to the Assessment Seminar! Please sit with your teaching partner and other students teaching the same or similar grade levels
- Any questions about what to bring to last class on May 13 (section 2) or May 15 (section 1)?
- Review of Week
- Check what you have written for these components of the curriculum unit. What questions do you have for completing these components of the curriculum unit?
- 4. Knowledge of Students to Inform Teaching
- Bromley, K. (2007). Nine things every teacher should know about words and vocabulary instruction. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 50(7), 528- 537.
- 5. Supporting students' social studies learning: Additional ideas if you are integrating literacy with social studies
- 6. Monitoring Student Learning Purpose: How assessment and differentiated assessment strategies provided evidence of student learning
- 6. Monitoring Student Learning
- 6. Monitoring Student Learning
- 6. Monitoring Student Learning Class Discussion
- 7. Analyzing Student Learning Purpose: To describe patterns in student learning
- 7. Analyzing Student Learning
- 7. Analyzing Student Learning
- 8. Using Assessment to Inform Instruction Purpose: To decide on next steps for instruction
- 8. Using Assessment to Inform Instruction
- 8. Using Assessment to Inform Instruction
Comments or Questions?
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Last updated: April 29, 2015 (Wednesday)