Meeting Students Needs in Social Studies

Start Here


  1. Big Ideas, Essential Question, and Content Objectives

  2. Key Vocabulary for Today's Class

  3. Agenda for Today's Class

  4. Announcements

  5. Announcements

  6. Prior Knowledge of Student Diversity Think-Pair-Share

  7. Ethnic/Racial Diversity Among Students in the United States

  8. Students in the United States Lived in Different Family Structures

  9. Some Students in the United States Lived in Poverty

  10. Some Students in Wisconsin and Oshkosh Lived in Poverty

  11. Some Students in the United States, Wisconsin, and Oshkosh Were Labeled with Disabilities

  12. Some Students Are Learning to Speak English

  13. Students Come from Different Cultures

  14. Does Social Identity Affect Student Learning?

  15. How Can We Meet Diverse Students' Needs in Social Studies?

  16. Accommodations for Students in Social Studies

  17. Accommodations for Students in Social Studies

  18. Accommodations for Students in Social Studies

  19. Closing

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Last updated:
January 22, 2015 (Thursday)