- Big Ideas, Essential Question, and Content Objectives
- Key Vocabulary for Today's Class
- Agenda for Today's Class
- Announcements
- Announcements
- Prior Knowledge of Student Diversity Think-Pair-Share
- Ethnic/Racial Diversity Among Students in the United States
- Students in the United States Lived in Different Family Structures
- Some Students in the United States Lived in Poverty
- Some Students in Wisconsin and Oshkosh Lived in Poverty
- Some Students in the United States, Wisconsin, and Oshkosh Were Labeled with Disabilities
- Some Students Are Learning to Speak English
- Students Come from Different Cultures
- Does Social Identity Affect Student Learning?
- How Can We Meet Diverse Students' Needs in Social Studies?
- Accommodations for Students in Social Studies
- Accommodations for Students in Social Studies
- Accommodations for Students in Social Studies
- Closing
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Home page
Last updated: January 22, 2015 (Thursday)