Definitions, standards, criticisms of social studies

Start Here


  1. Big Ideas, Essential Questions, and Content Objectives for Today's Class

  2. Vocabulary

  3. Agenda for Today's Class

  4. Announcements

  5. Announcements

  6. Announcements

  7. Review Think-Pair-Share

  8. Factors Influencing Good Social Studies Teaching: Behaviorist and/or Constructivist Teaching and Creating Multicultural Curriculum

  9. Factors Influencing Good Social Studies Teaching: Behaviorist and/or Constructivist Teaching and Creating Multicultural Curriculum

  10. Factors Influencing Good Social Studies Teaching: Behaviorist and/or Constructivist Teaching and Creating Multicultural Curriculum

  11. Ten Themes Recommended as the Framework for Social Studies in K-12 by the National Council for the Social Studies, 1994/2010

  12. Ten Themes Recommended as the Framework for Social Studies in K-12 by the National Council for the Social Studies, 1994/2010

  13. SIOP (Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol) Model to Meet the Needs of English Learners

  14. Do Textbooks Make Good Social Studies Teaching Easier or More Difficult?

  15. Do Textbooks Make Good Social Studies Teaching Easier or More Difficult?

  16. Closing

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Last updated:
January 22, 2015 (Thursday)