Big Ideas, Essential Questions, and Content Objectives for Today's Class | |
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Vocabulary | |
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Agenda for Today's Class | |
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Announcements | |
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Announcements | |
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Announcements | |
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Review Think-Pair-Share | |
Slide 7 of 16 |
Factors Influencing Good Social Studies Teaching: Behaviorist and/or Constructivist Teaching and Creating Multicultural Curriculum | |
Slide 8 of 16 |
Factors Influencing Good Social Studies Teaching: Behaviorist and/or Constructivist Teaching and Creating Multicultural Curriculum | |
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Factors Influencing Good Social Studies Teaching: Behaviorist and/or Constructivist Teaching and Creating Multicultural Curriculum | |
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Ten Themes Recommended as the Framework for Social Studies in K-12 by the National Council for the Social Studies, 1994/2010 | |
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Ten Themes Recommended as the Framework for Social Studies in K-12 by the National Council for the Social Studies, 1994/2010 | |
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SIOP (Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol) Model to Meet the Needs of English Learners | |
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Do Textbooks Make Good Social Studies Teaching Easier or More Difficult? | |
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Do Textbooks Make Good Social Studies Teaching Easier or More Difficult? | |
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Closing | |
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