Columbus and Thanksgiving

Start Here


  1. 1492 By Sally Rogers

  2. 1492 By Sally Rogers

  3. Big Ideas, Essential Questions, Content Objectives

  4. Key Vocabulary and Agenda

  5. Announcements

  6. Announcements

  7. Review

  8. Counting Undocumented Immigrants From Jeffrey Passel, U.S. Census Bureau

  9. Teaching/Learning about Columbus and the Taino Through Literature Circles

  10. Teaching/Learning about Columbus and the Taino Through Literature Circles

  11. Teaching/Learning about Columbus and the Taino Through Literature Circles

  12. Literature Circles and Social Studies

  13. How Did Columbus Become a Hero?

  14. Teaching About Thanksgiving

  15. Why the "Pilgrim and Indian" Story May Not Be the "First Thanksgiving" in the New World from Thanksgiving: The True Story by Penny Colman

  16. Thanksgiving Address

  17. Resources for Teaching Young Children about Holidays and Thanksgiving

  18. Closing

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Last updated:
February 20, 2015 (Friday)